Catalan Architecture beyond Gaudí

If we asked tourists about Catalan architecture, they would probably think about art movements like Catalan Modernism, architects like Antoni Gaudí and buildings like Sagrada Familia or La Pedrera. From these images, Catalan architecture would seem very old-fashioned, even a sort of cultural fast food for the masses. Probably, most people would agree that our architecture is out of the mainstream of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Despite all these clichés, Catalan architecture offers an amazing catalogue of works by contemporary architects, from Josep Lluís Sert and Josep Antoni Coderch, pioneers of functionalism in Catalonia (and in Spain as a whole) to Ferrater, Moneo or Miralles in the last decades. Besides, Catalonia can be considered one of the cradles of Modern Architecture, hosting the 1920s and 1930s masterpieces of foreign architects like Mies Van der Rohe (the German Pavillion in Montjuïc) or Le Corbusier (Macià Plan for Barcelona’s urban development).

Knowing that, it could be argued that the usual images of Catalan architecture give an incomplete impression. It seems to me that local authorities should enhance Catalan contemporary architecture as a brand new offer for tourists and give Gaudí some rest.



Casa unifamiliar a Igualada

Aquestes són algunes de les imatges d'un projecte en el que vaig tenir la sort de participar com a col·laborador ara fa uns mesos, treballant al despatx de Salvador Balcells, d'Igualada.

I aquí tenim un vídeo amb un espectacular recorregut virtual, realitzat pel Salva Balcells. Per a més informació, consulteu el seu web:


Atelier Ozenfant

Tal com era...

i al febrer de 2011.



Aquest és el bloc personal d'Ignacio Clavero, arquitecte des de 2005 per l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona. A partir d'ara hi aniré penjant alguns projectes representatius de la meva carrera professional. També hi tindran cabuda d'altres articles relacionats amb la pràctica arquitectònica.